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Modern Interior Design

From the onset, it is important to note that “modern” and “contemporary” are two different interior styles. A modern interior design style is defined by clean and simple color schemes, welcoming feel, clean individual elements, as well as heavy use of glass and steel and much-needed siding replacements that date back in historical times. Black and white dominate the color palette, with some faded shades of blue, red, among other prime colors.

The living spaces are designed in a minimalist manner with open floor plans. It focuses on block colors and primary hues with modern art in contrasting colors. The furniture used is functional and simple with clean lines. Natural lights play an essential role in a modern home while accent lighting is used to highlight specific elements, architectural features, sculptures, etc.


The core idea of the modern style is to create simple and clutter-free homes with no unnecessary adornments. Since form follows function, everything used in a modern home fulfills a practical purpose.


This style trended in the early 20th century and happened to make a comeback a century later. Most décor materials in this style border on simplicity, especially the furnishings. Nothing is overly loud or daring.